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Righi Fitch Law Group Righi Fitch Law Group
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Early Evaluations and Streamlined Risk Management Protect Homebuilder in Four Construction Defect Cases

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Righi Fitch Law Group has successfully helped a National Homebuilder manage its risk by providing early evaluations and negotiating favorable settlements that resulted in substantial cost savings. In four construction defect litigation matters, Righi Fitch Law Group, with the assistance of their highly qualified experts, quickly and efficiently evaluated four construction defect cases involving over 200 homeowners in four separate tract home projects. The home builders' exposure was analyzed at the very earliest stages of litigation and best and final offers were made to the claimants based on these evaluations. This set up the cases so that the homebuilder would be well-positioned to be the prevailing party and entitled to recover attorneys, fees, and costs following the trial or arbitration. The Homeowners counsel repeatedly attempted to negotiate higher settlements than the best and final offers but ultimately capitulated when Homebuilder stood firm on offers based on early evaluations by RLG.
